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A very strange band from Sweden, Blodulv have released their second full length album (self titled) after the first one "Kristkrossare" (a MC and not a mCd as I erroneously wrote to Aeifur...). Being active since only the spring of 2002, I think its's a very good result for a band that even if doesn't play anything innovative or particulary original, has good ideas and a powerful warlike atmosphere surrounding its releases... Here's the interview... Hails! Let’s begin to talk about Blodulv with the first question that comes out of my mind: what does the word “Blodulv” means? “Blod” means blood and “ulv” is an old Swedish word for wolf, ok? You are a relatively young band, being formed in the spring of 2002; in spite of this fact you have already released a miniCd (“Kristkrossare”) and a self-titled full length. Haven’t you released any demo before? How did you came to the deal with the Total Holocaust Records and are you finally satisfied of it? First of all, "Kristkrossare" is not a mini Cd, its a full length album released on cassette, there is a pretty obvious difference, don’t you think? What are you guys smoking down there? (I think I should write questions earlier than the night time...) Yes, we released two demos before being abducted and analy probed by the legions of THR. The first one was entitled "Ulvens sakrament" (limited to 10 copies); the second one "Svartblod och bråddöd" was limited to 15 copies. Total holocaust rex is probably the most reliable and driven label around these days. When you’re on THR things happen, you don’t have to wait two years for your record to be released. THR gets things done! Doped up and dying hails to total Håkan in the house on the hill!! Your music isn’t original, being pure Black Metal at all, but makes the listener (or maybe just me) thinking about war, battles and some other extreme situations. To remember my reviews, it seems like that the music is painting the wall of smoke of a battle, while soldiers are running under the rain of bullets, and other similar scenes. Do you agree? What do you feel while composing riffs and rehearsing them? Yes,
I think our songs have that predatory feeling that most of nowadays
so called B.M bands lack. Blodulv’s vocals are quite assimilable to some Gorgoroth’s; I think they are good mixing with the mood of the song, having that harsh tone that gives the listener the sensation of an outer voice describing the fight that’s going on. Have you used any vocal effect to record them or were they recorded just the way that came out? The equipment we use is of very low quality and it’s very old. Mix that with the abuse of various chemicals food that’s gone bad and cheap scotch. Does this answer your question? A thing I still don’t understand is if you have a drummer or a drum machine. Listening to your records it seems to me you are using a drum machine, but I’d like to know the truth directly from you and eventually understand who the hell is The grim and foul DR.M Electro… We have recently fired Dr. M because he suddenly refused to obey orders; He is now replaced by the uncompromising Mr. Maachinaa, and he does what he is told. Electro emigrated to Russia where he is now very busy working as some kind of prison bitch… The purposes of Blodulv, reading your site, are to “Drug, torment and beat into submission all those who oppose the elite Satan vanguard”. What does this paragraph means? Who are your opposers and what would you like the think listening to your records? Opposers = Everything and everyone who keeps this plague we call society breathing. And of course all of you who hasn’t bought our stuff. What are your personal beliefs? Reading to the concept of the band and some titles, it seems that you have a strong bound with Satanic topics but, as you know, this subject can easily be filled with childish act and declarations, so I’d like to know better your point of view… Our personal beliefs are not a topic of discussion. You are from Sweden, a country always prolific of many bands into metal: coming from the old style Death Metal acts to the modern shitty melodic / gay way, from the fast BM of bands like Marduk to the nowadays very articulated scene that seems to grown every passing time (Ondskapt, Pest, Armagedda, Shining…). What do you think about your country extreme musical scene, what are the bands you like / support and those you wish to die in sufferance? Swedish bands I like are: Arckanum, Kill, Woods of Infinity, Pest, Sigrblot, Scyther... + many more. I can’t tell you what bands I am going to viciously murder, I think you understand why. The scene is good I guess... I don’t socialise with people so I don’t know any of the bands personally. What’s your opinion about the Selbstmords Services label and its ideology / bands? Are you in contact with Kvarforth and his label? What’s your opinion about the depressive / suicidal trend that’s growing on BM nowadays? I don’t know anything about that guy or his label, but I guess he didn’t like our demos very much... As I said at the beginning, the atmosphere you create with Blodulv is very particular and with a war-like feeling: I think it could hardly be reproduced on live gigs, so I wonder if you have ever played live or planning to do some gigs. You know, I don’t consider particularly filling the live atmosphere of a gig and the individualistic / obscure spirit of BM… No live shows, just solitude and alcohol… What are now the future plans of Blodulv? Give us some news about the immediate future of the band and its next steps… New
Blodulv Cd "Blodulv II" on THR in January or early February,
new I thank you so much for the time you gave to my
questions: now, as the ritual says, it’s time to you to end
with anything you like to add or think has been missed, or to ask
me a question you like, after spending all this time answering. Do
what thou wilt… AEIFUR of the politically incorrect BLODULV!