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Hails! Introduce us to this hellish horde from Hellas under the name of Eschaton… Ave!!! , Eschaton was gathered back in the year of 2001 by me with the help of Alexandros (guitar). The aim is to play Black Metal as it used to be years ago, and through it to express our most aggressive feelings! The time was passing and the appropriate members weren't found yet... in November 2003 the new line-up have stabilised with me (Kostas-drums), Gladius-guitars, FCF-vocals; with our first demo tape (“Summon the...”) we had our first touch with distros, zines in the underground circles, and the Horde has started... “Summon the Manifestation”, your demo, is a good listening for an eternal support of the unholy verb of Black Metal like I consider myself. Tell us the steps that composed the creation of it. Plans of this demo was several... but what has to be mentioned is that the 2 first tracks/hymns were recorded in the summer, in different versions, and completed in October with the third hymn which was written in autumn and the result is an extremity of feelings that compose our first masterpiece. Could you give us a short description and explanation about the songs of your demo, their mood and the topic they face? For the intro I don't have to say a lot, only that is a traditional intro with diabolical voices from beyond...”Scepticism of Blasphemy” lyrical and musical expresses absolutely our anti-christian feelings… “Despair of Those” has to do with eschatological things about the end of world and with chaos, a concept on whom we will work surely in our next releases... “Misty fog covers the forest” is a mid-tempo hymn and generally I think that the title is enough and no more words are needed. Why did you choose to play BM? Why don’t another extreme musical genre? Why don’t you use female vocals and keyboards? I summon you to speak… Hmm...
firstly, as I was young I listened to classic metal bands and mainly
gods IRON MAIDEN! Later some hearings added, unfortunately I would say,
some tracks from Immortal and R Christ mayb,e and from then they changed
as about the basic style I was listening because it was really expressing
me extreme feelings, and somehow, with passio,n I begun without having
musical skills playing drums at studio... The sound of “Summon the Manifestation” remembers me a lot some old good Gorgoroth stuff, while the vocals, in some fragments, remember me what the master Nocturno Culto used to do. Do you pay tribute to those two great entities? What are the other extreme musical bands you are influenced by? I guess you just said two of the bands we have possibly been influenced!! Gorgoroth from the early period mainly. Yes, generally from what we hear they say we are influenced from the Norwegian school, most of the bands here in Greece have been influenced from the North more than in the past with the “circle” of the Hellenic sound, keyboards etc... However, this period we are influenced by the Northen sound and that’s what we feel and play. In future I don't know but surely from the extreme section! Have you heard about the problems Gorgoroth had in Poland, with the state tv garbage network, who was so stupid to play on the television one of their gigs, in which they used impaled heads of beheaded lambs, blood and nude cunts bounded at the cross to remember how the jew one was punished? What do you think of that situation? I heard many people claiming “Black Metal is not that extreme message!!” and similar things… To perform live in TV and especially B.M is so stupid: every sub-human has the opportunity to see you. If someone wants B.M has to try it alone. Now, with this event we can understand in what democracy we live... Would you like to have the opportunity to make a live gig such as the Gorgoroth one was? Do you usually play live? No way... surely not! For a normal performance, we’ll make a gig, why not? Let’s return to Eschaton: what’s the ideal, ideology, philosophy, and so on, that’s stands behind the band? What are your purposes in music and life? I will refer to some special words of Sakis from Rotting Christ which reflect absolutely the band and are: “That we express our dark side of our selves and souls without the necessity of being ‘evi’ persons”, and I continue: for the feelings of hate and a general disgust and searching of different things that all humans hide inside but they haven't discovered yet, and those who have discovered them are serial killers or whatever else you can think... We, through this music, found the way-out all in all! What do you think about religions, gods, demons and about all those buildings named “churches”, that in the golden times of this genre where used to be burnt, and that rises constantly on the ground where once upon a time glorious civilities raised their strength? Shit! Religions and churches are for people who are subservient of their selves. The fucking churches that fill all lands are the top of stupidity! The only thing that brings me is... laugh, ‘cause there I see all the fake and scared side of humanity! Personally, I am godless and I respect Mother Nature and don't believe in demons, but we use some kind of them in lyrics because are really of inspiration against christianity. They are things that ‘holy’ bible created to frighten people. So we thank them!! Hahahaha! As a Greek living in Hellas, I think you should be proud of your past as I am of mine... Is there place for those feelings in Eschaton’s music, or do you avoid the honour you should feel about it, to be politically correct and not being considered “nazi” by the media ass-licking common opinion? Personally,
I am from Romania but I live and grow in Hellas and surely here you
can only live as a pilgrim of the ancient past greatness of this small
country, with the biggest civilisation of the world, which Europe likes
and not only and also is the more beautiful country worldwide!! About
politics I believe that this kind of ideas don't fit in B.M, besides
the great so called ‘nsbm’ bands, which I respect musically
only, we must not mix the magic of B.M with all these things! I am not
interested in politics mixed with B.M., so I don't have any reason to
care about ass-licking media!! We are reaching the end… Reveal us what are
Eschaton’s future plannings and what should we expect for the
future of this band…
For ESCHATON until now I haven't see but I've some money-making things which make me angry. My philosophy is not being interested in what others do, but what I do myself, generally I don't care, ‘cause I'm not the man who will put this in order. That's why there are rip-offs...
would like to thank you for the space and time you are giving for this
interview! It was really interesting. Anyone who wants to contact us
for the demo and not only, don't be afraid to send here: eschaton_band@yahoo.gr