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Last year, my comrade Luxitan gave me the demo of his band and I was very surprised to hear that cassette: in spite of is short length it was a good product, and it had a good sound so much old-style, most of all in the drums sound. Now, they have realized a new demo, with a better recording (and again a short length!) and better songs, even if I think they have lost a little of harsh, as I told to Luxitan in the interview. Now, let him speak... Hails Luxitan! Here I have your new demo tape " God Failed", which comes just one year after the previous one (I mean "Lyderhorn") realized in the 2001. Can you tell us how did you created these two tapes and what are the bigger differences between them? The first demo "Lyderhorn" has been recorded one year ago in a concert hall without sophisticated things but simply with a recorder As you can see the sound is really crude. Most of the riffs date back to '97 when E.A.Zorath with C.Zorath had another band called Elghard; so we simply readjusted the riffs and our demo was born: "Lyderhorn". The second demo " god failed" has been recorded almost a year later, in a garage of a friend of us, who took care of the sounds and everything else; anyway, this is the kind of sound we were looking for. The differences that I note between them, and surely you will, are just the kind of recording, and this is all. We always maintained the same feeling Gosforth are a young band in the Italian underground scene, so I think it's a good thing to give a short description of the band itself, its history and so on: I call upon you to speak At the beginning, Gosforth were called Elghard, and they were just E.A.Zorath (bass), C.Zorath (drums) and Marco (guitar / voice). Then Marco left them, and consequently the band split up. In April 2001 the band did reform with my arrive, E.A.Zorath started playing guitar and I took the bass and the vocals. I read in the booklet of the tape that it has been produced by Black Blood production, a name that many True Black Metal maniacs know for its underground distribution. How did you get in touch with it? I contacted Black Blood a year ago, when I met Giorgio. At the beginning he had to produce the first demo too, but we decided to do everything by our own. But, for the second one, he attended to all aspects, and we are really satisfied about the work he made for us Are you satisfied of the final result of " God Failed"? Is there something you'd like to change now that you have the final tape on your hands? I'm really satisfied of our new demo, and we are very grateful to Ian (sound engineer ndA) for the good work he has done Only a thing: I would prefer more reflection on my voice, however we can't mourn!Back to the band, how can you describe Gosforth members in everyday life? Do you consider you musical activity and your normal life something different or they are the same in some ways? We are (almost) normal persons: E.A.Zorath and his brother C.Zorath work as storekeepers, I think, while for me, I'm frequenting a course of photography, and I work in a call center I can only say that I dedicate about the 70% of my everyday life to Black Metal, and the other members of the band do it too. What are your believes? Do you call yourself a Satanist, Nihilist, Heathen or what? I don't really think you believe in a god
" God Failed" has many raw Black Metal influences in its sound; in particular I can feel in the first song a very deep Judas Iscariot influence. Do you agree? I absolutely agree with you; it's the same thing I thought when I listened for the first time the riffs of that song. I adore Akhenaten's bands, and he appreciates Gosforth. In fact, after we sent him our demo, he wrote me telling we are a valid band Something I liked so much of the previous one was the battery sound, very raw and old-style. I think this part of your sound has been lost in the new demo, in spite of I consider its production very good. Do you agree? For the first demo we didn't
care about drums' sound, while in the second we did. The fact is, simply,
that for the second one we could arrange the drum-bass and put a microphone
on it! The sound isn't the same, that's true, but I think it's alright. In this period we are listening a lot Maniac Butcher, Judas Iscariot, Veles, Armagedda, Satanic Warmaster, Azaghal, Mütiilation and others. I listen the old bands too, like Dark Throne, Mayhem, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Immortal etc Besides, I listen '80 thrash bands like Sodom, Possessed, Slayer, Hellhammer I know you have played a live show in Zurich: what kind of reaction have you received from that show? Yes, on the 3rd of May 2002 we played live in Zurich, and it has been a magnificent experience! We have been treated very well, and the audience did make a great racket in spite of they didn't know us. We have played with a Swiss group called Schattenreich, and with a band from Holland (Heils Sauron). In the end, the place was very nice, and the sound for any group was very cool Oh, I think could really be a satisfaction to play in such as places Will you play some other live gigs? Have you planned something? We are looking for some places to play here in Italy outward Milan, or in some places abroad it. We decided to refuse to play live with Mortuary Drape at Indian's Saloon (a well-known local near Milan) because we decided to don't play in our city. At the moment I'm in contact with a local in Vicenza, which, maybe, will be able to organize some dates after summer What are you future projects with Gosforth? Are you writing some new material for a new demo (or better an album !!)? Our projects at the moment are to make some live dates. Besides, we have just find a guitarist that will take the place of E.A.Zorath, 'cause now he will play bass and I will only sing. Now the new member is learning the songs, so we'll wait about a month before starting to rehearse new material Have you some side-projects or Gosforth needs so much time that you can't play in other bands? I'm going to create a new project: something of extreme war black / death metal like Blasphemy and Bestial Warlust. I'm already writing some riffs However, Gosforth are everything for me at the moment. Ok, that's all; thank you for your time and leave us with your last words of hate Thank you for the interview! I want to say Hail to all the bands we are in contact with Death to posers, Gosforth will prevail! Hails Luxitan and best wishes for Gosforth !!