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This time, we have a young band from the city that once ruled Europe: Rome. Tundra have just recorded their first promo Cd, and are trying to emerge from the multitude of BM bands that are growing from the empty after-school afternoons of to many children. They propose a very old school sound , so much anchored to the basically characteristics of the once glorious Norwegian scene, made of glacial riffs and raw screamings. I have interviewed Vörgehn and Pesten, respectively guitar and bass of this horde. Let's read their words... Let’s start with the usual boring question: tell us something about the creation of the band and its musical history… [Vörgehn]:
The band started in 2001 with the monicker Afterglow, with the purpose
of playing old school Black Metal inspired by the Norwegian scene of
early '90. After a complete change of line-up (the singer Erebo is the
only one that remained from the original band), we decided to change
also our monicker in "Tundra", because our sound was extremely
different from our first "incarnation". Actually the members
of Tundra are: Erebo- Screams, Vörgehn- Guitars, Pesten- Bass and
Abominio- Drums. We've released our first Mini-CD featuring raw old
school Black Metal without any kind of modern influences, trying to
rediscover the trueness of the old sounds. From where does the name “Tundra” come and why did you decide to use it? Is there a relation between the classical frozen desert landscapes of places such as Siberia and so on, and your music? [V]:
Yes, basically our monicker "Tundra" takes inspiration by
the landscapes of Siberia, with its lifeless trees and icy soils. We
think that describes very well the idea that we have about Black Metal,
pure coldness and solitude, and that's the feeling that we want to communicate
to our listeners. We want to lead the listeners in our world of endless
frozen lands, where the sun never rises and the wind never stops to
blow, with his cold deadly breath. It maybe sounds too "canonic"
but that's our idea and we think that the coldness in our music is the
main part of our sound. Let’s talk about your last promo-Cd: “In Cold Dimness”. What are the feelings that inspired you during its creation? [V]:
Well, I can start saying that the creation of our mini-CD was pretty
troubled and painful, cause we recorded it with a very little amount
of money and poor conditions, also because we mainly recorded, mixed
and produced it in my house... If we add a lot of problems due to the
recording of the drums, you can imagine our happiness at the end of
the work. So, you can be sure that the pain was the main feeling in
our minds during this release... For the music, I can say that every
track has different topics and feelings, but mainly we speak about ancient
wars, the old ones battled with axes and blades, filled with honour
and glory, but also about our hatred against the cristianity and the
population with its trends and sheep-like thoughts. Can you analyse the songs that make up this promo and their mood? What kind of topics do they face? [V]:
Well, the songs on the Mini-Cd are mainly created by me and Pesten,
in the specific, I wrote “To Build A Reign” and “Silent
Fields” and Pesten the others. I'll let him speak about his creations
and I’ll describe mine. “To Build A Reign” is a song
about an ancient battle, but really no one in specific... It talks about
people that are trying to conquer a land, to build their houses, their
towns, to create a kingdom where they can live in freedom and peace,
but it talks also about the force that this motivation can spread in
their minds. Practically is a story of survival, cause they have to
fight to conquer a place to live, but also of courage, because they
have to find the force to beat an enemy greater than them, risking their
lives, for a common objective, melting the forces of many against the
incoming menace. “Silent Fields” tells about the end of
a furious battle, a battle for the freedom of a population that fought
till the end of their forces. It's also a song of honour for the ones
that died in the middle of the battle, and their journey to the sacred
fields of Wotan. [V]:
We create our music mainly at home, playing our instruments and searching
riffs that are more suitable for the song that we have in mind. Then
we put the riffs together and in studio we arrange the music with the
others, putting drums and vocals. During the rehearsal I’m inspired
greatly by the fantasy literature and history of the middle age, but
my main inspirations are my feelings. I create music during specific
moods of my life; during periods of delusion and sadness, anxiety, depression...I
think that the right mood is fundamental for the right message that
you wish to send to the listeners. Black Metal isn't a music that expresses
happiness and joy; it communicates rage, wrath but also sadness and
solitude and to send these feelings to the listeners correctly. You
have to prove them by yourself. Can you tell the readers something about the members of Tundra and their musical influences? [V]:
I’m influenced obviously by the music that we listen at home,
mainly Black Metal, but also death and thrash. In my stereo are spinning
continuously all the Darkthrone albums of course, all the Burzum stuff
and the first three of Immortal, plus a lot of other underground bands.
My inspirations come from all this, but naturally we try to create our
unique sound, with our own solutions and "melodies". We don't
try to be original... we just try to be Black Metal. Tundra is a young band Italy: tell us your impressions and thoughts about this so called “scene” and the relation you have with the other bands. What do you think of all the groups made by complete idiots that are coming out like flies around a shit? I think I don’t have to mention them… [V]:
I knew that! Finally it came...the old same question on the Italian
metal scene... What are the ideals behind Tundra? In what do Tundra members believe and what they want to tell to the listener with their music? [V]:
Our common ideal as a Band is to make the music that we like, no matter
what the people, or the press say... We don't intend to be original
or innovative, we want only to be Black Metal, without any kind of modern
influence. I personally have an hatred against the modern society and
the people in general, in fact, every time that I walk in the streets
of my city, I have great doubts about the human intelligence, looking
all the trends, all the models of being that are conquering the population
and all the stupidity, the preconceptions... Any form of singular intelligence
or individual thought is slowly leaving our race, transforming it in
a mass of mindless puppets. I don't see any future, any hope. In the
next chapter of our history we'll discuss about this... mental emptiness.
What do you think of topics such as god / Satan, Tradition / modern “values”, politics in music, and so on with all the typical topics in Black Metal? [V]:
I think that in our music you can't find anything that can be in some
way "Satanic", we express only our freedom to say and do everything
that our conscience tell us, without the restrictions and laws stated
by the christians. Answering for the values, I think that there aren't
really Modern Values, especially in our times...Musically I see that
a new trend is to mold togheter genres totally different from each others
and I can't see anything of valuable in this, especially because it's
simply a new Trend... and I can't see nothing new, nothing fresh...
only a continuing recycling. Maybe I’m too closed minded, but
I prefer the old raw good sound, the sound that we're trying to propose
now in our era of "experimentation", cause it's now that our
scene needs more rebel pureness, now that all seems too aseptic and
fake. What can you tell me about the nice cover illustration? It makes me remember the “Orlando Furioso” of Ludovico Ariosto, with the man transformed into trees… Am I correct? What does it mean and who made it? [V]:
Mmmmhh interesting thoughts... Obviously everyone can have his opinion
about our cover illustration, but anyone can judge if it'd be right
or wrong. It depends simply by your own interpretations. By the way,
the cover is an illustration of the 13th chant of hell from Dante's
Divine Comedy, the guilties of suicide turned into trees. I took a look to you website some times ago, and I liked its minimal but yet complete way of being: what’s your opinion about Internet as a big media and about webzines, forum, sites, mailorders and other things that in a way can help all the true adepts of BM art, but in the other can make BM loose some of its cryptic part? [V]:
First of all, thank you for your positive opinion about our web site:
we're happy that you appreciated the poor look of our pages and their
essential contents, 'cause we think that it describes perfectly the
rawness of the genre that we play with so much dedication. A thing that I didn’t liked, even if it’s my favourite song, is the intro of the second one, “Total Human Collapse”, that reminds me too much the intro of a Cannibal Corpse song of the “Butchered at birth” period. Why did you choose it? What does it mean? [P]: Obviously I know Cannibal Corpse, but I think that the intro of “Total Human Collapse” is not so similar. Cannibal Corpse’s intro are taken from B-movies, splatter series and gore, this sample is different. I found it on Internet, and it's an explosion in a park: there are children, birds, happiness and other things. Than a big explosion and only silence. I put as intro of the song because I believe that is in perfect connection with the title and the words, the extermination of the mankind: don’t you agree? Mhh, I'm not really sure yet... anyway,what are the next projects of Tundra? Live dates, another recording, silence and solitude, what? Let us know… [V]:
The works for our next creature have already started... It'll be a full
length this time and the topics will be the mental illness, madness,
lunacy, hallucinations and the psychological chaos, in little words
a voyage in our "dark subconscious" if you pass me the Morbid's
quotation. We have reached the end: finish with your last sentence or ask me something if you want. [V]:
Thank you for the opportunity that you offered us to communicate our
thoughts and feelings to the rest of the Black Metal population. We
wish you good work, and the best of Heils! Thank you too for your time and best wishes for your band. Hails.